The DITP has seen a higher demand for tractors and other agricultural machinery in India as the country enters the planting season, the DITP announced on July 17.

The DITP’s overseas office in Chennai, India reported that apart from tractors, India has also shown a demand in other agricultural machinery such as ploughs, rice transplanters, sugarcane harvester and other harvesters.

“The Indian Government is urging farmers to purchase tractors and other agricultural machinery through offering a subsidy of 75% off the cost of machinery. It’s a good opportunity for Thai exporters to supply these products to the market,” the Director of DITP’s overseas office in Chennai, Jittima Nakamano, said.

In 2019, India imported US$16.7 million of agricultural machinery, mostly from China, Italy, Japan and Germany. In January and February, 2020, Thailand was the fifth largest supplier of agricultural machinery to India.